
Skylight solar screens |Stellar Sunscreens

Skylight Solar Screens

A skylight is an important and lovable feature in a house that elevate its curb appeal. Apart from that, it offers some extra warmth and natural light to make your house more comfortable during the winter. However, this can be an added tension during the summer months as it allows more heat to enter the house.

SkylightsIf you are living in Phoenix, Arizona, the heat during the summer months is unbearable at times and if it enters the house, homeowners can face a lot of problems. This includes damaged flooring, furniture, increased electricity bills, and more. Therefore, solar sunscreens for skylights are trending at the moment.

Let’s keep reading to discuss how these different window screen types can benefit your house in Phoenix, Arizona, and more.


What Are Skylight Solar Screens?

A skylight solar screen is one of the many different window screen types that block the UV rays entering your skylight. Ideally, the design of a solar screen helps you to see the outside view and still enjoy reduced glare inside the house. This further helps you to cut down on your electric bills as you can reduce the use of AC.

When it comes to the proper installation, there are a few things to know while installing solar sunscreens for skylights.

These include:


  • To get the best heat-blocking effect, professionals like our Phoenix skylight solar screens company, recommend attaching the frame of the solar screen to the skylight’s outside.


  • If you are unable to mount these screens on the exterior side, there are ways to put these screens inside but it won’t be effective in terms of blocking the heat.


  • Our custom sunscreens Phoenix installers also offer bubble skylight solar screens which work at their best when you mount them on the side.


Mounting the screens play a crucial role and it should always be done by professionals such as our Phoenix skylight sunscreens installers to get the best results. If they don’t fit your skylight well, they won’t provide you with the optimum benefits of solar screens.


Why Should You Install Skylight Solar Screens?

From eliminating unwanted glare and heat to reducing your air conditioning bill, there are a lot of reasons why professional custom solar screens Phoenix for a skylight is growing in popularity. In general, solar screens are made using window screen mesh material to increase their durability, and why PVC coating is added.

Since the skylight is an important part of your house, especially in the winter months when it becomes the primary source to get plenty of sun and natural light, you can’t get rid of it. Rather, you can attach a skylight solar screen to save yourself from the blazing heat in the summer months from the extra Arizona sunlight.

If you’re still wondering why these solar screens are ideal for Arizona homeowners who have skylights, below are a few more reasons why you should install them:


  • Phoenix skylight solar screens help to reduce carpet and furniture fading by blocking UV rays up to 90%.
  • It’s an economical choice for solar shades or blinds as the cost for installation is pretty minimal compared to other methods to block out the sun.
  • It can be easily removed during the winter months to enjoy uninterrupted sunlight and warmth.
  • Typically, these types of solar screens can be installed on all skylight types. If the standard size doesn’t fit, there are custom solar screens Phoenix installers to help you custom make one at Stellar Sunscreens.
  • Skylight solar screens can be used both for commercial and residential structures.


Apart from that, skylight solar screens are pretty easy to install and remove. You can still consult a professional in case any help is needed. There are a lot of custom solar screens Phoenix installers available who have the experience and knowledge of the industry but make sure you choose a trusted company such as ours.


Where to Get My Custom Solar Screens Phoenix?

Stellar Sunscreens is a custom solar screens Phoenix installer who offers practical solutions for offering ultimate comfort in your interior space. The smart and simple concept of adding a skylight inside the house can be a nuisance at times, especially during the summer months.

The more heat enters your house, the more difficult it becomes to stay inside. This is why we have different window screen types that help you block any unwanted glare and heat without costing you hundreds of dollars. To know more about our skylight solar screens and their installation prices, contact us today and get what you want and need.