Can You Repair a Cracked or Bent Window Screen Frame?
Last Updated on March 21, 2023 by Stellar Sunscreens
Window solar screens are deemed exceptionally beneficial add-ons for windows to block harmful UV rays as well as reduce the overall energy cost. Studies have confirmed that solar sunscreens are the most efficient and cost-effective way to control glare and heat coming from the window, especially in the sunny state of Arizona.
However, as the window screens age and spend more time in direct sunlight, the frames gradually start to get damaged by the sunlight, causing them to lose their structural integrity and warp. Although the internet may have thousands of DIY for window screen repairs, the truth is you can’t really fix a cracked or bent screen frame.
There are many reasons why window screen frames can’t be repaired once bent or cracked. Keep on reading to uncover these hidden truths that no one tells you about and the importance of replacing these frames rather than repairing them.
What is a Solar Window Screen Frame?
Window solar screens are designed for commercial as well as residential buildings to not only keep the bugs out but also maintain a cozy indoor environment by blocking the harmful UV rays. Ideally, every screen is customized by professionals like Phoenix solar screen installers at Stellar Sunscreens to adequately fit into your window frame.
Many things can cause a bent or broken sunscreen. Sometimes it may be the kid’s fault with playing around and pushing on it from the inside and forcing a bend in the frame, and other times could be the parent’s fault when they lock themselves out and have to break into their own house, often replacing the screen in a hurry and bending it.
Nevertheless, window solar screen frames sometimes can’t be fixed due to some reasons beyond our own control or human error.
Here are some of these reasons:
It Disrupts the Tension
Usually, the solar sunscreen installation process involves tightly fitting the screen into the window frame. A screen needs to stay tight over its frame in order to function optimally. Further, when it’s cracked or bent, people try to adjust the screen by loosening them. It not only leads to more damage but also wastes your time.
Warp its Shape
Usually, window solar screens frames are customized and designed to distribute equal pressure from the material of the screen over the frame in order to hold the accurate shape. Also, it allows the window frame to stay fitted correctly in the window while retaining its shape. Once it’s damaged, you can’t bring back its position.
It’s Not Minor
Any minor damage to your window screens such as minor holes or tears can still be repaired by professional solar sunscreen installation services. Nevertheless, a bent window frame or cracked frame is no more considered minor damage. Therefore, the frame needs to be replaced rather than repaired.
These are the few reasons that window screens can’t be repaired when bent or cracked. Therefore, it’s always better to avoid the common causes of sun screen damage to avoid costly replacement in the future.
How to Solve Common Causes of Sun Screen Damage?
Stellar Sunscreens is a reputed Phoenix solar screens installer, and we can help you avoid the common reasons for sunscreen damage. Meaning, you won’t need to deal with a cracked or bent window frame anymore and can get them working again.
Our experts can guide you further regarding the window screen maintenance process. To know more about our window solar screens, replacement screen frames, and repairs for solar sunscreens, contact us today and see what Stellar Sunscreens can do for you.