
Protecting Yourself From the Sun During Autumn Desert Adventures

When heading out into the blazing hot Arizona sun during autumn desert adventures, it’s paramount to protect yourself. Autumn is a time in Arizona when monsoon season is tapering down and scorching heat waves reach temperatures over 118 degrees Fahrenheit and plummet down to the 90s and 70s but that doesn’t mean it is safe.

Reducing UV rays is one of the best ways to combat UVB and UVA rays during the fall. Although the temperatures may have dropped, people can still feel the effects of skin damage and underestimate the strength of the Arizona sun. Enjoying the autumn air without the bugs is a great time of year to head out to the desert in Phoenix.

Keep reading to learn more about Arizona’s autumn desert adventures and tips to protect yourself from harmful UV rays.

Why Are the Reduction of UV Rays Important?

Desert Fall Hiking | Stellar SunscreensThe reduction of UV rays is important when going on an adventure anytime the sun is out, making it even more important to be prepared. Sunburn is the leading cause of overexposure to the sun. Prolonged exposure to UV rays leads to skin cancer and premature aging.

Further, prolonged UV exposure increases the risk of eye diseases and cancer. Therefore, sunglasses and solar sunscreens on your camper or home will help with the reduction of UV rays.

Below are some useful tips for protecting your skin when enjoying the sun in Autumn:


Lip Protection

Many people suffer from chapped lips during the autumn as the days get colder, causing them to become uncomfortable. Split lips can be very painful and cause scabs that most prefer to pick off than to see them. Having adequate sunscreen protection for your lips is something most people don’t consider when out in the sunshine.

Almost 40,000 lip cancer cases are reported annually in the United States, leaving about 7% with cancer. Lip balm with an SPF factor of 30 or higher, will help protect your lips when out in the Arizona sun.


Skin Protection

Everyone loves to be outside when the sun is out, especially children and we tend to neglect using proper sunscreen protection for our skin. Although we enjoy getting a darker skin tone, many underlying health conditions can arise if not addressed beforehand.

Excessive exposure to UV rays increases aging and promotes connective tissue damage to our skin, leading to sunspots, premature wrinkles, and lines. Using a sunscreen lotion with an SPF factor of at least 30% blocks out 97% of harmful UVB rays.


UPF Clothing Protection

Using sunscreen is great for your skin but you can go the extra mile and add UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) clothing to your arsenal. The clothing itself will provide information about the level of UVA and UVB protection it comes with. It also adds some flare and fashion to your wardrobe with breathable materials that look great.

Blocking out harmful sun rays should include a UPF fabric of at least 50% that still allows some sun to break through the fabric, adding about 98% protection from UV rays while enjoying the autumn air without the bugs.

The reduction of UV rays begins and starts with you. Having the proper sunscreen and clothing protection is crucial to preventing a host of health conditions, especially cancer but what about your home, vacation rental, or campsite?


Where Can I Get the Best Phoenix Sunscreens for My Home?

Whether you are living in a residential home in Phoenix, Arizona, or staying in a vacation rental, RV camper, or pitching a tent, having adequate shade is always a great idea in the desert sun. Bringing your own canopies or awnings is a benefit when trying to get a break from the autumn desert sun in Arizona but what if you live there?

Residents in Phoenix, Arizona, can call or contact Stellar Sunscreens and get the best solar sunscreens installed and custom fit for the ultimate reduction of UV rays for their homes.  We provide professional services and installation at affordable prices with 100% customer satisfaction and products that withstand the test of time.

enjoy the crisp clean autumn air without the bugs using solar window screens | Stellar Sunscreens

Enjoy the Crisp, Clean Autumn Air Without the Bugs Using Solar Window Screens

A window that allows natural light and air inside the room provides the small joys in our lives. However, you may face a common issue of intruding bugs inside the room when the windows don’t have a screen installed. You may have to deal with bugs like mosquitoes, flies, insects, dirt, and dust.

Solar screens keep bugs out and offer a fantastic solution for the home in terms of blocking 90 percent of the harmful UV rays, and this is why homeowners these days consider installing solar sunscreens in their windows so that they can enjoy the outside views and autumn air when the weather cools down.

Below, we will discuss the benefits of custom grid sunscreens for your windows and why you should install them. So, let’s continue reading.

What Are Custom Grid Sunscreens?

Custom grid sunscreens are the ones with grid sets that match your window. Further, it dramatically elevates the curb appeal of a house. So, to avoid a bland look of the sunscreens, especially on the front side of a home, many customers prefer choosing custom grid sunscreens to make the house look more decorative.

You can have a standard window-size sunscreen or a custom-fit sunscreen available in custom textures and colors. Homeowners in Arizona prefer having custom grid sunscreens that match the exterior of their home while offering maximum sunscreen protection.

The benefits of choosing these sunscreens include:

Better Air Quality

Window solar screens benefits

The best part of using a custom window screen is that it improves the ventilation inside your home. Not many people understand this fact but poor ventilation can easily lead to many health issues. Installing the proper sunscreens can lower the risk of poor ventilation while generating better indoor air quality.

Added Protection

Everyone knows that solar screens keep bugs out. However, this isn’t all. Solar screens add protection from many other harmful elements like dirt and debris, insects, and many more. It adds a layer of privacy by blocking the inside view of your home from the outside, increasing the privacy inside your home.

It Blocks UV Rays

People want natural light; however, it’s necessary to stop the harmful UV rays because they can damage your furniture and cause skin problems. A proper solar screen can block almost 90% of the harmful UV rays and allow fresh light inside. Further, UV rays can also change the color of your carpets, leaving them discolored or spotted.

These are the best things about installing a window screen, especially by professionals like sunscreen companies in Phoenix. Nevertheless,  research well before hiring the best professionals in the industry. Otherwise, it will create problems if you end up with an unprofessional.

Phoenix AZ Sun Screens

How to Get My Custom Grid Sunscreens in Phoenix?

Solar Sunscreens allow fresh air and natural light inside the house while keeping all the bugs out. However, to yield the benefits of a solar screen, you must hire a professional like our Phoenix sunscreen installers. Otherwise, if the screen doesn’t fit well in your window, it won’t function optimally.

To help you install custom grid sunscreens, Stellar Sunscreens, one of the renowned sunscreen companies in Phoenix, is here. We have the best quality sunscreens, depending on your unique requirements and budget. To know more about our solar sunscreen services, contact us today and get your custom grid sunscreens.